Please ensure you meet the following Minimum System Requirements…
Operating System Requirements:
In order to run, the ForexGridMaster software requires a functional MetaQuotes MetaTrader version 4 system installed on a PC — Although MetaQuotes provides versions to run on various modern portable devices, a large screen is best to configure and test ForexGM. There is also some third-party support to run MetaTrader 4 on Macs. Note that the MetaQuotes MetaTrader 4 software is also often referred to as MT4.
Hardware Requirements:
The minimum Random Access Memory (RAM) requirement is 1 GB, but 2 GB of RAM is recommended to avoid extended virtual-memory usage. This memory requirement is for the MetaTrader application only, and does not take into account other applications that might be running. If other applications are running in parallel with MetaTrader the RAM requirement could increase significantly.
MetaTrader (MT4) Requirements and Settings:
The ForexGM Expert Advisor (EA) is compatible with MetaQuotes MetaTrader platform version 4.00 build 1280 or higher. In general this is referred to as an MT4 terminal, build 1280 or newer.
Forex Broker Requirements:

The ForexGM EA is compatible with both 4-digit and 5-digit data-feeds from brokers. The EA> automatically detects the type of the feed, and adjusts the parameter pip-values accordingly.

Both fixed-Spread and variable-Spread broker platforms are supported.

Most MetaTrader brokers will allow orders to be kept open for extended periods — a broker would not normally close and re-open orders overnight for swap adjustments, and not merge open orders without a very clear explanation of the rules that apply.

IMPORTANT: For smooth trade management, the MetaTrader program and the ForexGM EA should be on-line, up and running during all market open hours (usually Sunday to Friday).

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